Before enter to the subject, I will tell shortly to you about the overview from LG Electronics Company, especially LG Electronics Indonesia. Start in 1990, PT LG Electronics Indoensia was established which was named as PT Goldstar Astra. Currently, the company is a major national force in electronics and information and communication products with more than 2000 employees in all regions in Indonesia. With the vision be Number 1 Electronics Company in Indonesia, LG Electronics Indonesia determines to create product leadership with Indonesian market-oriented product and leadership in marketing through differentiated strategies/tactics. Thus, the management is committed in cultivating talented people to develop global competitiveness. For further information you can access the next information here.
For the making logo at this time may be have some differences with the original logo, because for logotype I didn’t find appropriate type. But, I try to made this in order that can be suitable with the original. Before going too far it's better too see the original logo for the comparison later. For attention,,before everything, I want to say sorry to all of you because and because myEnglish is not good or heard weird.
Okay,,let’s do it.!!!
- Activate your photoshop. Then, make a new document wtih size 300x200 px, resolution 72 inch., background contents: transparent or white. And don't forget to give it a name. Here, I have to name it "LG Logo", but you can added later for this.
- Create a new layer and give a name "Base Circle"(2a). In the layer just you make create a perfect circle with 'Elliptical Marquee Tool'(2b). Fill it with the red color (#b2094e)(2c). To make the perfect circle you must hold down "Shift" button on your keyboard. See the picture.
- After you make the "Base Circle", on the next step is you will make a logo looks glossy. To make this you need make a circle again inside the "Base Circle". Name this layer as "Shine"(3a). When you finish create the circle fill it with gradient color > "White to transparent". Set opacity to 40% (3b). Don't forget before you fill it choose the type of gradient to linear (3c).
- The next is we make the "G letter", see the example above. Create a new layer and name it as "G letter". Here make a circle and fill with white color (#ffffff) (4a). And then, make a smaller circle inside the circle just you made before. When the selection still active, press "Delete" button on your keyboard to erase the selection (4b). See the original picture above, :D
After you finish create them, now it's time to remove few a part from them. Here, I'm using the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" to do selection (4c). And, delete it (4d). It'Simple heh!!!:> - On the next step is how make is looks like "G". That's easy just made a square like in the picture below. Create the square on the new layer and fill with white color (5a). Don't forget to merge down this layer with "G letter" layer. To merge down the layer just select the layer that you want to merge and press "Ctrl+E" on your keyboard (5b).
- Now, the shape from "G" is finish. Go ahead to give the "3D look" for the "G". Here, I have use the layer style. The Blending Options I have choosen is Drop Shadow, Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay. For each blending I have setting like this:Drop Shadow, Blend Mode: Normal, Color: Black, Opacity:75%, Angle:108 degree (deselect use global light option), Distance : 2px, Spread: 0%, Size: 5px.Inner Glow, Blend Mode: Screen, Opacity:57%, Color: White, Source: Center, Choke: 6%, Size: 7px, Range: 50%.Bevel and Emboss, Style: Outer Bevel, Technique: Smooth, Depth: 83%, Direction: Up, Size: 0px, Soften: 0%, Angle: 132 degree, Altitude: 11 degree (deselect use global light option).Gradient Overlay, Blend: Normal, Opacity: 36%, Gradient: Black to White, Style: Linear, Angle: 176 degree, Scale: 100%.
And the result is like here (6a) - Alright, moving to making a shiny stroke on "G letter" layer. And again I have using the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" and "Elliptical Marquee Tool". To make looks shiny, of course I've been using the white color here. Separate the shiny stroke with two layer beside "G letter" layer (7a). Now, we will make the "G" is look brighter and more white. To do this, hold down "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and click on the "G letter" layer to make new selection (7b). Hide "G letter","Stroke with elliptical" and "Stroke with rectangular" layer temporarily. Create new layer a fill the new layer with gradient color "Gray to white", with linear gradient type and drag from right to left. I have set the opacity to 43%. Named the layer with "brighter G". And then unhide the layers that you hiding before. Deselect selection on the "brighter g" layer" (7c). Look at the picture:
Maybe in snapshot picture you can see the image clearly but you can see the different when you practice it. Here, the result : (7d) - Fuhhhh,,,....not easy to explain in English but no problem,,,I'll keep to try:D. Next.,, move your cursor to the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" to make shape like "L" letter. Set a new layer and make the letter "L" here. Give a name as "L letter" layer. And I have to give layer style too here, just a copy layer style from the "G Letter" layer and paste here. You can change for some parameters as like you want (8a).
Almost finish now, create a small dot here. In new layer create as a dot and name it as "Small Circle" (8b). You can give some layer style too here. Here I've remove "Bevel and Emboss" options. For nice looking add some shadow here in the new layer I've give name as "Small Circle Shadow" layer. Fill the shadow layer with red color like this (#b2094e)..sorry I dont know how to mention it in English for this color. But in my country this called as "Merah marun" (8c). - The last is the logotype, just type "LG" on the screen and I've use font "MsSprattSSK" it's look like same. According the original logo I've to transform it until it's look 'same' or at least is close to same :D.., it's the transformation result (9a ).
For the "after transformation" shape I've using gray color (#5c5c5c). Don't forget to add their slogan "Life's Good". I've using "MusterSSK" font. And to complete all of these change your background color to white(9b).
Yeahh..we made it. Now you can compare it with the original logo(9c)
Everywhere the original is always better and better;). From the result of course you can make it more perfect than me. Trust me you can do it!!!. Finally, whole of tutorial is finish. So, for everyone that has to read this writing, please leave your comment, critics or many more to make this and other writing better and better. Once more, I'm sorry for my English. Warm regard from InDoNeSiA to entirety people around the world.
Author isn't responsible for any tresspassing on this logo. The attachment logo here is purely for learning.
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